
Emma Lou, who are you?

I whole heartedly believe in living your best life

My life story coming up, so grab a cup of tea and get comfy!

I've worked in several jobs and lived in 3 cities since I graduated back in 2012. In the last decade I’ve studied Drama, worked in retail, trained as a florist, worked on events, got a job in social media management & marketing, quit to go travelling, moved to Bristol, got another marketing job and then had that definitive moment of:

“What am I doing with my life? This was never the plan.”

My last marketing job was the final straw. Whilst I loved the people and learnt a lot there, I dreaded going in each morning. I was stressed, overworked and my face aged about 5 years in the space of 6 months.

I know that burnt out feeling too well. Living off microwave meals, bringing work home on weekends, having no time to spend with the people you love. Enough was enough. I decided a leap of faith into the unknown had to be better than this, so I went freelance as an illustrator while I got my life-coaching qualification, as this was my real dream all along.

In the last 3 years I’ve established my own brand, had the privilege of coaching some amazing people, and now personally own a much better lifestyle than ever before.

I've learnt A LOT through this journey and the key thing I believe is it's never too late to do what you love. When I'd outgrown each of those jobs I felt that familiar restless feeling, as if I needed to escape and try something new.

I’ve now created a business and lifestyle I’m truly proud of, built on a foundation of core values that I practice in my daily life and with my clients. The pillars of my business are:

Community & Collaboration

We’ll do this together. You’re never on your own. Think of me as your own personal cheer leader, wearing a big foam finger with your name on it.

I believe our personal development not only improves our own lives, but also impacts our communities and wider society by the ripple effect. The more you shine, the more you help others shine around you. By acting from a place of self-love, respect and compassion, rather than judgement and resentment, it allows those around you to feel safe to do the same. We are all part of a rich tapestry. 

Honesty & Transparency

Sometimes it can feel vulnerable to be so honest, but I’m here to support you in acknowledging your true self, so you can move forward authentically and wholeheartedly. 

Equality & Inclusivity

Whatever race, gender and sexuality you identify as, you are welcome here my friend. I pledge to work with and support you so you can be your most authentic self.


We understand ourselves and each other so much better when we talk things through. I chose coaching as my practice because I believe in the power of talking things out to gain perspective. I strive to always communicate with respect, empathy and compassion.


I only post, share and talk about what I believe to be true. I have turned down paid collaborations with brands who don’t align with my business values and my audience. I aim to be as authentic and intentional as possible in my life, business and with my clients. I only post and share things I truly support and believe in. 


I believe in breaking things down to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. To counteract anxiety, overthinking and catastrophizing, I use a gentle and mindful approach to finding all the options in a situation. The objective is to make our lives calmer and simpler, in order to achieve more.

Animal Rights

This is more of a personal value, but as I am my business, I feel it deserves a place on this list. I value ALL life, which is why I practice a vegan and cruelty free lifestyle. I strive to fuel my body and life with compassion and love.

In my coaching practice, I believe it’s important to know your “why”. This is essentially your purpose for doing what you do. It’s the beating heart behind every word you write, every line you draw, every conversation you have. It’s the magic that pumps authenticity and integrity into your work. It comes from a very real place and shines through like great rays of sunlight in everything that you do.

My why is in the preciousness of life; which I saw taken from a family member too young and too suddenly. We spend so much of our waking hours at work, I won’t let that time be wasted on something that causes unnecessary stress, upset and resentment.

My why goes beyond me, but to helping others who feel the way I once did. To replace those negative feelings with passion, pride and satisfaction.

It's so important to spend this short and precious life doing work that makes us feel satisfied.

I chose coaching as my practice because I truly believe in talking things out. Having someone you can trust to guide you through your thoughts is so powerful in overcoming your fears and obstacles. I’m dedicated to helping other women realise their lives can become more than their current mindset limits them to believe.

It all begins with a free consultation, so you can start to live your best life.