Working from home eh? I hear ya.
Whether you’ve been told to wfh because of Covid-19 (coronavirus), or because you freelance/run your own business - it can feel like a tricky thing to get right! Some of us love it, some of us go stir crazy after the first hour. It can sound like a fun idea at first, and it definitely has its perks! But it still requires practice, self-discipline and focus.
I’ve been working from home for almost 3 years now and think I’ve finally got it mastered. I wouldn’t change it for the world, but that’s probably because I’m an introvert with an intolerance to being around the public.
Either way, I thought I’d share my top tips to help get you through this minefield.
Start the day as you normally would
Set your alarm for your usual time. Don’t lie in just because no ones going to catch you out! You’ve still got stuff to do and need to treat this as a working day.
Eat something nutritious for breakfast that’s going to keep you going, and have your usual tea/coffee/protein shake.
You’ll feel way less like a slug at 11am if you’ve started the day with a shower. That’s just a fact. It’ll also help you wake up and put you in a working mindset.
Get dressed, don’t wear PJS all day!
You don’t have to put your suit on unless you’re skyping someone and need to look professional.
Even then, you can just wear a blazer on top and your pants on the bottom. Who’s going to know?
But still, try to avoid wearing PJs or sweats. You’ll feel less productive if you’re wearing clothes you associate with lounging around and not being at work.
Opt for something comfortable, but still feels passable if you had an unexpected visit from a colleague. When you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror you want to think “Yeah!” not “Ew.” Because that’s only going to make you procrastinate with your appearance for the rest of the day.
Set yourself up somewhere comfortable
Ideally a table or desk where you have a window and some natural light coming in. Try to put yourself in an environment that feels productive like the office. If you opt for your sofa or bed, your posture could suffer and you’ll get more lethargic as the day goes on.
Remove any chances for procrastination
I recommend getting anything that could be seen as a distraction (like the washing up) out of the way sooner rather than later! Otherwise it’ll bug you later on, and be seen as an excuse to get away from your work.
Give yourself permission to take a break
It’s ok - you’re allowed to still leave the house (for now)! If you’re flagging, try going for a walk to get some fresh air and headspace.
However, if you have some good momentum going then crack on until you need to take a break.
Have plenty of snacks at hand
Stay hydrated, keep a large glass of water next to you. Also have any snacks you might want to nibble on near by. This will stop you from procrastinating to look for food. If you’ve got it next to you already, there’s no excuse to wander.
Just start
I know, it’s easier said than done. Sometimes making a start can feel like the hardest part when you have the impulse of Netflix at your fingertips!
But once you’ve found yourself in your workflow, you know as well as I do that you’ll be ok. Try to practice some self-discapline. The bottom line is, the work has to get done one way or another. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish. It really is that simple.
The good news is, you can get the sweet reward of Netflix a little earlier than usual, because you don’t have your commute to worry about!
Remember you can do this!
It might take a little practice, but I’m confident you’ll find your routine eventually. Forgive yourself for finding it difficult at first, and revisit some of these tips if you’re struggling to get into your flow.
Are you someone who works from home often? Do you have any top tips to add?
Share in the comments below, let’s get through this together!